Today, it's a pleasure to feature
Frank Say, author of
"Nine Lives." He is currently working on the second book in "The Lake Pontchartrain Mysteries" series (with "Nine Lives" being the first book in that series). Here is some information about Frank, and the story behind how he became a writer:
Frank Say has spent most of his life in South Western Pennsylvania. Some years ago, Frank had a strange but exciting idea for a story and would tell his future wife about his idea on occasion. After hearing the story several times, she finally said, "Well, why don't you do something about it?" With no formal training in journalism or writing and no one else interested in the idea other than him, Frank began compiling an outline. The outline quickly grew into three handwritten marble composition notebooks with scenes, characters and chapters. That was back in 2001.
The name of that story was "Nine Lives" and after completion of that process, Frank came to a wonderful conclusion: He absolutely loved writing!
"Nine Lives" was published in 2008. Not slowing down, Frank began work on his second novel, "The Thirteenth Sign," which will be the second book of the series, "The Lake Pontchartrain Mysteries." Overindulging in late-night horror movies as a child, Frank has a love of all things supernatural and paranormal and that is where you will find his writings.

Recently listed in the 2010 edition of
"50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading" produced by The Author's Show, Frank is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and currently lives in South Western Pennsylvania with his wife and cat.
"Nine Lives" is available via Amazon Kindle
To keep up with Frank's latest happenings, please visit his website:
http://www.franksay.com/. There should be more information coming soon regarding his second book, "The Thirteenth Sign," as well.
here for an interview UCW Magazine conducted with Frank recently.